Writing Contest Links!

Hey guys, happy July 4th! My present to everyone is the opportunity to enter writing contests from other sites!

I have mentioned this in one of my past posts about Writing competitions. It is a great way to get your writing out in the world and maybe even winning one of them. My teacher says, "other kids barely enter these writing contests, so you have a better chance of winning something if you are actually pretty good. It can't hurt!"

Exactly, what have you got to lose, writing contests are fun! Especially if you think your writing will win something special.

Here are some sites that have great writing contests for teens:

  1. http://www.teenink.com/Contests- this pace is great! There is no deadline they accept pieces throughout the year.  You get to enter multiple contsts for writing here are some there are plenty more on the site:
    2.  http://writingcontests.wordpress.com/- A contest for Poems, deadline July 31, 2012! :)

    3.  http://www.writersdigest.com- Another AMAZING site for writing contests! You get to get published, discovered, recognition and cash! There are multiple deadlines, but here are some catagories:

   4.   http://www.writingconference.com/contest.htm- Enter any kind of Writing! Deadline-  No later than January 30, 2013.

So, that's pretty much the best sites for writng contests that I think give you so many options and prizes.

Check them out, and if you didn't find what you were looking for search online there are MILLIONS of other writing contests out there!

If you guys checked these sites out comment and tell me which one you entered! If you have any other suggestions, comment! If you love these links and would like to share them, invite your friends!


  1. I'm a newbie follower! Are you writing anything now??? If you do, we have something in common!!!! Yay!!!

    1. haha, I'm just starting to write something, you know just ideas :) your so sweet!

    2. oh well I bet your story will be EPIC!

    3. Are you working on anything?

    4. Yeah and is going to do nanowrimo

    5. I'm a butterfly


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