Speed Update! + My blog Construction
Hey guys, sorry I wasn't on my computer all day today, I truly am sorry. I went shopping with my sister for new books and clothes at the mall and then went over to the movies with my friends to watch the Amazing Spider Man( Great movie by the way, definately reccommended )!
So yeah, I just came home from a long afternoon but now I'm back to work!

Also, for you guys that read the short summary on my new story that I'm working on, I just completed the first chapter which is polished and ready to go real soon! So keep this blog posted and if you have not read the small intro to the story yet, click
Last thing, I have some exciting new contruction with my blog! Not huge ones but
new blog writing series, hopefully adding contests/giveaways for my followers, a more unique style for my blog, new attraction for new followers, working on getting in touch with other authors and writers, and definately more writing tips and guides!
Yeah, let me tell you guys I am so excited to get more work done on this blog and hopefully keep growing my followers box and connecting with other bloggers themselves!
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