Guys, I've changed. But I'm lost

Hello agian, I just started this blog two weeks ago and I cannot say how incredibly strong it has grown since then! I mean I finally have reached my goal for 100 followers, now I am getting more followers to come by my blog. But, before I can embark on my bigger journey towards the blogging and writing world, I have a few words.

Ever since I started this blog, I can't deny that I was very intimitaded by other amazing blogs. Usually everyone I followed had great book blogs where they review, talk about books, and do book stuff and I was that kind of reader too. I wanted to be different on my blog, I had a lot of interest in writing and I wanted to help other people like me who had the same hopes of someday being a writer. Thus- "You Only Write So Much was born".
  1. Blogging is part of my life now. I sleep, eat, and breath the internet. I will admit, ever since day one, the computer was my go-to in the morning, afternoon, and night. I wasn't proud of it, my life was always so balanced. But on the first few days, I got really great comments from other bloggers and people liked my content! I kept going, set goals, and interacted with my followers. This has changed my perspective in the internet itself and the unlimited ways of blogging; I finally feel like I'm part of the real world and it changed me for good.
    from Here
  3. Before the Writing and blogging, there was dancing. Well for me. I always felt I had a special connection to my writing and I knew I wanted to do writing when I grew up but my dance teacher never doubted that I can do something much more. Another peculiar thing is, my very best writing that I do is about dancing. I don't know what that means but it has to mean something. Ever sinced I started blogging a few weeks ago, dance classes was just the dull time of day. Now when I'm in dance class, I wish I was in front of my computer writing. Is that bad? Am I going crazy? Because dancing was my life. I know what your thinking, just stop dancing. No, it doesn't work that way my life was always on the path of a future dancer but, writing makes me feel special. It makes me feel like there are no limitations, that I can effect my readers in a new way. Let me just say it, "I'm really good at writing", please don't get me as arrogant but I do believe I am. And that makes the biggest difference, dancing was when I was in a studio along with 50 other girls with as much as everything I had. Writing, was my link to my own life, and the world.
So when I may don't know what all of this means to me, it's you guys that are pushing me forward and helping me understand the real world. I may not know where I'm going, I may not realize what I'm doing, I may not understand what I really want to do, but all I know is I have been changed for good because of you guys. :)

Please Share this post if the blogging world has changed even you...


  1. This is a very strong post. I like it alot, especially the new feature you have there with your name.
    Keep on going. This blog will be a success.

    1. thanks roro! I appreciate your support a lot, I cannot say thank you enough :)

  2. Interesting :)

    Speaking of dancing - have you read Entwined by Heather Dixon? The dancing descriptions are just amazing.

    I'm a new follower. :) Here's my blog, if you'd like to come take a look:

    1. no, but I have heard of it! I'll put on my to-read, thanks :)

  3. Yeah, when you first start out, you tend to view everyone else as a veteran who has been doing it for 100 years, long before the Internet was even invented.

    Also, try not to get too caught up on the number of followers. I have seen many people try all kinds of tricks to get people to follow them, which defeats the point of them a bit really. You won't ever get to a stage where you feel satisfied with how many followers you have, you will always want more!

    With regards to the dancing/blogging juggling, there is nothing unusual about feeling excited about something you have just started getting into. It's healthy to have multiple interests, so don't give up the dancing.

    It's also important to bear in the mind that your enthusiasm for the blog will probably wane a bit in the future, so don't go throwing all your eggs into one basket.

    1. good point micahel, thanks! I really appreciate it :)

  4. Hey Josie ! I nominated you for this Liebster Award.
    Check it out here ;

    1. thanks Karen, but I have already done it a few weeks ago but I really appreciate that you tagged me :)

  5. Wow! Only two weeks ago?! You are simply amazing!

    1. thanks Nicole, you always make me smile a lot! :)

    2. I was wondering if you had any tips for blogging. I'm really pretty bad at blogging and I have really been trying to improve.

    3. No one is a terrible blogger nicole, i would love to help you out! Just shoot me an email of what i can help you with! :)

    4. Nicky Ticky, I had a look at your blog, and I can confidently say that there is nothing wrong with your blogging.

      Do you get to use the 1950s typewriter much these days?

  6. Hi Josie,
    I totally agree with Michael Cargill. You don't have to choose! Dancing seems to be a huge part of who you are so it can become your strenght, if you decided to write a book with a plot in this area.
    Ok, maybe today your dancing classes are not so fun and maybe you don't have to put the same amount of time, work and sweat in your blog but what about tomorrow ?

    It's nice to have different way of expressing yourself.
    For example, I draw realistic animals. Two years ago, I was only able to draw mangas because I'd stopped drawing since high school. At first, my level was a huge deception to not be able to draw some great stuff like before. I've decided to take it slow, to relearn how to enjoy the present moment and my improvement was immediat.
    I take 8 or 10 hours to draw something that satisfy me and every time I can't have a correct detail, I'm frustrated. But at the end, drawing bring me peace.

    Since I've started my blog...almost a year, I have stopped to draw. Because between, my work, the books to read and the time you need to write your review, I only have so much hours per day! But I gain new buddies to change my mind and to challenge my way of viewing books.

    So, blogging is also a way of expressing myself when I have less time. Since april, I told you I've decided to write for my contest so I need more time to focus on this new challenge. One day, I'm excited...the second, I'm down because I doubt evey words. It will be easier to draw or to blog because...but writting something that comes from my guts, it's a great feeling.
    Then, to be able to do everything I need to prioritize my time and focus on what makes me happy.

    Keep doing your best and enjoying yourself without pressure. You never know when something will help you...
    And I really like the content of your posts, it's different in a good your way! Stop doubting yourself...


    1. thanks lucie, I'm really taking all your words into thought. I totaly agree with you about how you express yourself in diferent ways. I guess I just need time to do the things I love, I'm glad you commented Lucie you are really sweet. :)


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